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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 15 - April 15, 2021

State of Kansas

Secretary of State

Notice of Forfeiture

In accordance with Kansas statutes, the following business entities organized under the laws of Kansas and the foreign business entities authorized to do business in Kansas were forfeited during the month of March 2021 for failure to timely file an annual report and pay the annual report fee.

Please Note: The following list represents business entities forfeited in March. Any business entity listed may have filed for reinstatement and be considered in good standing. To check the status of a business entity go to the Kansas Business Center’s Business Entity Search Station at (select Business Entity Database) or contact the Business Services Division at 785-296-4564.

Domestic Business Entities

Achievement Services for Northeast Kansas, Inc., Atchison, KS
Apostolic Church International of Micronesia, Winfield, KS
Awesomanity Society, Fort Scott, KS
Beauty Without Burden, Inc., Kansas City, KS
Ben-Lee Pr0cessing, Inc., Atwood, KS
Bridge Atchison, Inc., Atchison, KS
Bulldog Backers a PTO, Inc., Olathe, KS
Choices Health Services, Inc., Kansas City, KS
Christian Care Outreach Association, Lenexa, KS
Coffey County Resource Council, Inc., Burlington, KS
Community Access Center, Inc., Independence, KS
Community Concerts of Liberal, Inc., Liberal, KS
Drewshub, Inc., Wichita, KS
Eudora = Mindful Cranium Connections Association, Eudora, KS
EV Power Corporation Oberlin, KS
Friends of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of, Lawrence, KS
Gamma Omicron, Incorporated, Shawnee Mission, KS
GNX-Hosting, LLC, Olathe, KS
Heskett Farms, Inc., Hoxie, KS
High Plains Independence, Inc., Hays, KS
Hyde Parent-Teacher Organization, Inc., Wichita, KS
Jack’s Creek Apartments, Inc., Kansas City, KS
Jahama, Enterprises, Inc., St. John, KS
Kansas City Telangana Cultural Association, Overland Park, KS
Kansas Commerce Center Owners’ Association, Overland Park, KS
Kansas Congress of Parents & Teachers {Kansas PTA}, Topeka, KS
Kansas History Day Foundation, Topeka, KS
Kansas Professional Grant Association (KPGA), Wichita, KS
Kansas State Veterinary Business Management Association, Manhattan, KS
Kansas University Organizing Project, Austin, TX
Kiddi Kollege Management Corporation, Overland Park, KS
Lawrence Civic Choir, Inc., Lawrence, KS
Lowry-Funston Post 1980, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Emporia, KS
Lyons Creek Enterprises, Inc., Junction City, KS
Madison Concert & Lectures Series, Inc., Madison, KS
Maize Central Elementary PTO Fund, Maize, KS
McPherson Area Home Educators of Kansas Club, Canton, KS
MEF2 Trucking, LLC, Bonner Springs, KS
Mending Hands, Inc., Wellington, KS
Mercy Kansas Communities, Inc., Chesterfield, MO
Midwest Policy Institute, Baldwin City, KS
Midwestern Agricultural Corporation, Salina, KS
My Neighbors Keeper KC Ltd., Bonner Springs, KS
North Redskins Music Boosters, Inc., Wichita, KS
Oasis of Peace Center, Inc., Garden City, KS
Olathe South Project Graduation, Inc., Olathe, KS
Performing Arts for Children, Inc., Topeka, KS
Pratt Lions Club, Inc., Pratt, KS
Project Graduation of Lawrence Charitable Foundation, Lawrence, KS
Pulse Camp, Inc., Kansas City, KS, Inc., Kansas City, MO
RHWC, LLC, Louisburg, KS
Ross Hoener, Inc., Pratt, KS
Scher Construction, Inc., Kansas City, KS
Shideler Plaza Owners’ Association, Inc., Topeka, KS
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity, Manhattan, KS
SMNW Band Boosters, Inc., Shawnee, KS
Survivor Radio Foundation, Topeka, KS
Tandem Limited, Manhattan, KS
The Business Leadership Network of Sedgwick County, Inc., Wichita, KS
The Coffeyville Community College Foundation, Coffeyville, KS
The Farmer’s Daughter Mercantile Co., Tribune, KS
The First Christian Church of Fort Scott, Kansas, Fort Scott, KS
The Word Church Kansas City, Kansas City, KS
True & Faithful Security Patrol, LLC, Olathe, KS
Unified School District #273 Endowment Association, Beloit, KS
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence, Inc., Lawrence, KS
University of Kansas Solar Car Team, Lawrence, KS
Vision Volleyball Club, Hays, KS
Whole Happiness Foundation, Olathe, KS
Wild Sun Community Corporation, Overland Park, KS
Worshippers United Association, Olathe, KS

Foreign Business Entities

Association of the United States Army, Wichita, KS
Austin Daniel Baier, P.C., Kansas City, MO
Bishop Sullivan Center, Inc., Kansas City, MO
College of St. Scholastica, Inc., Duluth, MN
Gold’s St. Louis, LLC, Dallas, TX
Hanrahan Asphalt Paving Co., Inc., Grandview, MO
Immi Interiors Limited Liability Company, Kansas City, KS
Kansas City Repertory Theatre, Inc., Kansas City, MO
Kinseth Hotel Corporation, North Liberty, IA
Mercy Health Southwest Missouri/Kansas Communities, Chesterfield, MO
Mercy Hospital Columbus, Chesterfield, MO
Mercy Hospital Joplin, Chesterfield, MO
National Interscholastic Cycling Association, Berkeley, CA
OAI, Inc., Chicago, IL
Phoenix Family Housing Corporation, Kansas City, MO
Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., Charlotte, NC
Ripley Associates, LLC, Leawood, KS
Rural Services of Indiana, Inc., South Bend, IN
Selective Construction Services, LLC
Stephen P. Maslan & Co., Kansas City, MO
The Kansas City Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry, Kansas City, MO
Uptrend, LLC, Kansas City, MO

Scott Schwab
Secretary of State

Doc. No. 049036